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Joe Reding 


     Luther Church Missouri Synod's Definition of Stewardship: Christian stewardship is the free and joyous activity of the child of God and God’s family, the church, in managing all of life and life’s resources for God’s purposes.

     Join the Village Church Lutheran as we embark upon a year-around stewardship journey, during which we each hope to grow toward becoming whole life stewards of all the resources that our Heavenly Father has bestowed upon us.




 Throughout the next several months, we will be embarking on a discussion of different ways that individuals may give to The Village Church.  Each month we will discuss a different item in brief, beginning with more simple and common means for giving to church all the way through to more complex and less frequently occurring structured plans.






God has blessed each of us with specific talents.  Many times sharing these talents with others can be the single most rewarding gift we can give to the Church.  Our church has nearly limitless opportunities through which we are all bound to be capable of sharing.  These opportunities include, but are certainly not limited to,  participating in any of the multiple projects aimed at beautifying the church itself (both inside and out), singing in the choir, visiting shut-ins, mentoring children through youth programs, leading a Bible study/Sunday School class, traveling to and cooking at Jambalaya-fest at the St. Louis Seminary...I could go on for pages!! 


In the past we have even created databases of individuals along with the specific talents that they want to share with the Church.  Some benefits of giving through your talents include connecting with a great network of fellow believers, increased social time, and actively taking part in the Church’s mission.  If you are interested in giving back to the Lord with some of the talents He blessed you with, please contact the church office for more information.

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